Color Blocked Maxi Dress

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Happy Wednesday Lovelies.  I hope your week is off to a beautiful start.  It’s been pretty great over here. Our house in California is in escrow and we will officially be city living folks with nothing back in California.  I am little nervous and excited all at the same time.  That was my little safety net in case we ever decided the east coast wasn’t working out.  I feel good though, things are getting back together and the sun is shining.

The weather makes me want to get out, run and play.  I swear sunshine is a drug.  If you are feeling down, or your kids are riding the crazy train for the day, get outside.  Let the sun soak in and take a deep breath.  All will be well.

I wore this color blocked maxi dress on one of the days I just needed to get out into the sunshine.  The family and I headed to a music festival in the city and had a blast spending the day outside in the beautiful spring weather.  color blocked maxi dress

Color block maxi dress

color block maxi dress

color block maxi dress

color block maxi dress

color block maxi dress

Shop a similar look here:

We had a great time at the art and music festival, it was a perfect day in a perfect color blocked maxi dress.  I hope you all have a great first week of May!

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