The perfect boating style outfits. - The Fashionista Momma

Boating Style

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Hi Lovelies.  So, the hubs and I have decided to buy a boat we have looked at a couple options and are really torn.  I have so many questions for all of you.  Do any of you out there have boats?  Do you live by a lake or the ocean?  What kind of boat?  Open Bow or Cuddy Cabin?  I have been dead set on a cuddy cabin. We live by the ocean and I feel like it just makes sense.  I don’t know though so many options.  It’s harder then buying a car. So, if you are a boat owner spill it, why did you choose your boat?

In light of our current situation, I thought why not talk about summer boating style.  Just for fun.  Even if you are just visiting a boating town like Annapolis, Catalina, or Dana Point.  You can fit in with the locals. 

I threw this look together to show my personal style perfect or boating.  I used this white off the shoulder top I picked up from thredUP.  You can see it styled here.

The perfect boating style outfits. - The Fashionista Momma

These are my top picks to keep you boating in style.

Boating Style

White Jeans | Sperry | Sperry SneakersCutoff ShortsStriped RomperChambray Top | White Tunic | Rayban Sunglasses | Fedora | Dress

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When I think of boating, I think of clean neutrals and different shades of blue.  Whites, linens, pale blue, navy, and grey.  Linen pants, a graphic tee and comfy sandals.  Or cutoffs, chambray top and Sperry’s.  It just makes me want to curl up on a sun deck and enjoy floating on the water.


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  1. I’m super jealous. We always dream about owning a boat. You guys are going to have such a great time with it! And your outfit looks adorable. I’m especially loving the off the shoulder top!

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