How To Wear: 5 Knee High Boots Outfits featured by Top US Style Blog, The Fashionista Momma; woman wearing suede skirt, sweater and knee high boots. Dolce Vita Knee High Boots

How to Wear: 5 Knee High Boots Outfits for Fall

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Hi Lovelies and happy Monday. We are finally starting to see fall temperatures in San Diego. I am so happy because I can start wearing all of my fall clothes. I just ordered these knee high boots from Shopbop and wanted to share 5 knee high boots outfits with you all.

How To Wear: 5 Knee High Boots Outfits featured by Top US Style Blog, The Fashionista Momma; woman wearing suede skirt, sweater and knee high boots. Dolce Vita Knee High Boots.

Knee High Boots + Pair of Jeans

You always have to keep it simple with a pair of jeans and a sweater. This is an easy every day outfit. You can wear it to run errands school pickup and then out to dinner.

Knee High Boots + Cozy Sweater Dress

There is nothing better than a cozy sweater dress in the fall and winter. Paired with your knee high boots and all the winter accessories you have a great look for a casual holiday party. Or you can dress it down with a denim jacket like I shared below.

Knee High Boots + Skirt

I love a pair of boots with a skirt. When you live in San Diego it’s a great way to wear boots in the fall. The look I shared is perfect for Thanksgiving or a holiday party.

Knee High Boots + Cute Shorts

I have been wearing shorts with OTK Boots for years. They are great looks for a date night or holiday party. I paired a cutoff pair of jeans with a blazer and these burgundy knee high boots. If you love shorts outfits check out this blazer and shorts outfit.

Knee High Boots + your Favorite Dress

Another great option is a fall floral printed dress. This looks is great for Sunday brunch or a shopping date with friends. Stay warm by adding a leather or teddy bear coat.

Shop my Knee High Boots Outfits Here:

Taupe Boots | Sweater Dress | Blazer | White T-Shirt | Floral Dress | Leather Jacket (similar)

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