My Momma Struggles

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Hi there lovelies.  Today, I want to talk about something that is probably a touchy subject for most.  As most of my returning visitors may have noticed, I have been very inconsistent with my posts and I have had ups and downs over the last few months.  I will get the motivation to get it together and then it all falls apart a week into it.  Now that I have moved and have a little less on my plate, I want to open a discussion for all the moms out there and talk about my recent momma struggles.  

Life is hard, being a mom is even harder.  Being a mom with no support system is even worse.  These past two years have probably been the hardest two years of my life.  I have struggled on most days to keep a smile on my face.  I miss my home, I miss my family, I miss my friends.  I wanted to share this with all of you and open a discussion about social media, competition and depression and the struggles of mommyhood.  I find myself seeing people on social media posting all the great things in their life and being jealous, as I sit with my two kids beating each other up, screaming at the top of their lungs dragging the dogs around by their tails, wondering what the hell am I doing wrong?? I know there are many of us out there who do the same thing because I have read it on so many blogs lately.  Social media has made life a competition.  Down to the fancy breakfasts we make for our kids, the activities we do with our kids, the classes they are in and the list goes on and on.  Don’t think I am pointing fingers because, trust me, I do it too.  I guarantee many of my friends on social media had no idea, how unhappy I was in Virginia.  I made amazing friends, friends I will have forever but, the lifestyle just wasn’t for me.  I found myself becoming Negative Nancy more and more everyday and that’s why we made this move to NYC.  I needed to do this for me.  One thing I have always said here at The Fashionista Momma is the only way you can take care of others is to take care of yourself.

Most of my family and my husbands family did not agree with our decision to move our children to the city but, I can honestly say this was the best decision we have made thus far.  We are all happier.  We are two weeks in and l I find myself feeling a little better everyday.  It will take time.  It took me two years to get here.  To the point where I was just sitting staring at my children fighting, giving up because they weren’t listening to me.  To the point where I would just walk out of the room because it was taking every ounce of me to not scream at the top of my lungs for them to JUST STOP.  I have spent my days in my house eating food I would have never eaten before.  I have gained weight, I am sick and I am ready for this change.

I want to share this story to open it for other people to share theirs.  As much as I try to avoid the competition and I try not to judge others, it happens to all of us.  We are all human.  With that being said even though I am a fashion blogger at heart I want to start taking time to talk about being a mom.  It’s the whole reason why I started this.  If I am saying we all need to take care of ourselves why not make time to
do that here?  I want this to be a safe place for all women to come and be able to talk about whatever they want.

The new launch of The Fashionista Momma you see today is to bring moms quick, easy, affordable fashion, beauty and fitness tips that you can fit into your busy lifestyle.  We will touch on the stresses that come with being a mom.  The good, the bad and the crazy.  The lipstick smeared all over your toddlers face, the chocolate on your favorite white blouses (and the tricks to get it out), the 6th box of mac and cheese  your kids have eaten this week and how to make it healthy.  You will see my health transformation over the next few months, my growth as a mom and a fashion blogger.  I want all of you to join me on this journey.  I want to hear about what you ladies want to see on the blog.  Please go to my Currently Loving post and take my short survey to tell me what you want to see more of.

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  1. Such an inspirational post! I loved reading this! It’s so hard not to compare yourself to others, especially with social media! It’s important to take a step back and refocus. Sounds like you are doing just that!

    Doused In Pink

  2. It’s soon Mother’s Day. I wish you luck, endurance, and more interesting adventures with your family.

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