The perfect casual summer look with a striped button up and cutoff shorts. - The Fashionista Momma

Striped Button Up

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Hi Lovelies.  Happy Friday.  I don’t know about you, but this week seemed so long.  We had such a busy week, but then again I feel like every week is busy these days.  One thing I feel like people fail to warn you when becoming a parent is the time dedication.  I know, most of you are probably like, “Well duh.  It’s a lifetime”, but I am talking about keeping these little minions busy.  Running from one activity to the other, one play date to the next.  Whew, I have been exhausted.  So, it couldn’t come at better time then to take a mom’s day.

Last week, I visited The Spa at La Costa for their Morning Wellness Package.  It was amazing.  For $165, you receive an hour yoga class, a customized massage and a smoothie.  It’s the perfect day off from being a mom.  With your package, you get access to the spa, named the #1 wellness spa by Spa Magazine.  If you live in the area or will be vacationing in San Diego soon, I definitely recommend it.  This package will be offered until Labor Day and maybe beyond.  So, be sure to check their available packages.

After my day was done I wanted something comfortable and easy to wear.  So, I put on these cutoffs and striped button down.

The perfect casual summer look with a striped button up and cutoff shorts. - The Fashionista Momma

The perfect casual summer look with a striped button up and cutoff shorts. - The Fashionista Momma

The perfect casual summer look with a striped button up and cutoff shorts. - The Fashionista Momma

The perfect casual summer look with a striped button up and cutoff shorts. - The Fashionista Momma

The perfect casual summer look with a striped button up and cutoff shorts. - The Fashionista Momma

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I just had to share a few pictures of the spa area at The Spa at La Costa because it is a beautiful peaceful place.  I loved just walking around the pool and all the beautiful flowers.




How do you take time to yourself?  Do you get your weekly manicure?  Or are you the type that saves up your time and goes away for girls trips?

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  1. Love your photos! You captured it all so well!
    My kids are so little still, so I end up just snatching moments of time here and there whenever I can get them. It’s strange, but one of my favorite things to do is go the library and just browse pretty books all by myself! Haha #momlife

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