Style Saturday: Chambray Dress

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Happy Saturday Lovelies.  I hope you all had a great week following fourth of July.  Nordstrom started their anniversary sale and there were so many great blog posts with must-have products.  I didn’t get my post up this time because, once again, we are on the road.  This week we are in Boston because my nephew is out here for a school event.  The girls are so excited to see their cousin and I am happy to see Boston again in “not so freezing” weather.  The bummer is, the hubby is working while we are here so he is missing out on some of the fun.  As we speak I am sitting in our hotel room while the girls watch PBS and I blog.  Oh the life of a traveling blogger.  Honestly though, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I am so thankful that these two get to see the world at such a young age.  What they have seen and learned can’t be taught in a classroom.  Watching them take in the history and sights brings so much joy to my eyes.  Well, I could go on and on, but let’s get to Style Saturday.

I have had this outfit for a few weeks now, but I had so many posts waiting to be shared it got pushed back a bit.  This is one of my favorite style trends for summer.  It’s part of the denim everything.  I love the soft chambray fabric and denim look in a dress.  It leaves so much room for changes and different outfit options.  You could accessorize with a scarf (like I did), a cardigan, flats, wedges, ankle booties or leather.  It really is an endless list.  I wore this to our day with the dinosaurs at Field Station: Dinosaur.  You can see the event post over at School Yard Style here.

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chambray dress


Shop a similar look here:

I hope you all have a great weekend and let’s get to our link up.  This week’s Style Saturday All Star is Betsy from Two Peas in a Blog.  Her white on white look is polished and perfect with the leopard print clutch.  Make sure you link up in order to be featured next week.

The Fashionista Momma

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  1. Oh my goodness! Thank you for the feature. We love following your blog and seeing your outfits as well as follow your day to day life.
    This chambray dress is so cute! Casual but pulled together. It looks so light and airy.
    Hope you had a fabulous weekend!
    Katey and Betsy

  2. What a cute little dress and just as cute scarf. That bag is beautiful too. I love that the dress doesn’t look so much like chambray. It can totally be dressed up for a dinner date or cocktails or even a shower. =)

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