Stylish Saturday Clothing Care
Alright so here it is 11:00 at night. I am sitting here soooo TIRED, blank mind, trying to come up with something great. I grab my fashion books and start thumbing through for some fashion blogger ideas. I come across clothing care. Hallelujah. On to the goods. Clothing Care. First of all sort your clothing!! Second take your time don’t just throw things in. This one is especially important for us mommas. I find myself throwing things in and trying to run away. Now I have a system and it works great. All clothes that require special care get separated into different hampers. It’s great. On to the next step. When it comes to washing pay attention to the labels. Here is a chart that explains all the crazy little images you find on your tags. Follow the labels to extend the life of your clothing.

I am bookmarking this! I am so clueless when it comes to those little symbols!
Awe yay!! I’m glad I could help. I know what you mean though they all look so similar and when you are in a hurry (which most of us are) it’s tough.
I’m so lazy when it comes to wardrobe/clothes maintenance. Thanks for a little push in the right direction. Great link up! Rachel x
Thank you Rachel!! Glad I could help. I don’t think anyone likes doing laundry. lol so, it’s always nice to have a little reminder.