The Stylist Behind The Blog
Hi Lovelies. Since I’m seeing a lot of new faces around here, I thought it was time to do a little about me. The stylist behind this personal style blog. You can always read my about page, but today I am going to share a little bit more about how I got here.
This how this little fashion blogger The Fashionista Momma started.
I was born and raised in southern California. Three years ago my husband was offered a job on the east coast. We packed up our little family a 2 year old, 7 month old, 2 dogs and a guinea pig. We drove across the country in a Prius. I was doing the blog at the time, but really had no idea what I was doing. I was posting once every couple weeks, and just really didn’t have any sort of direction. A year into our DC adventures, I was lonely missing my family and needed something for myself. I started researching online programs for image consulting and wardrobe styling. Came across FIT’s program and decided to sign up. With lots of hard work I finished a two year certification program in one year. Crazy right?
We spent almost three years on the east coast with two years in DC and 1 year in NYC. When we were in DC, I tried school, working at MAC & Nordstrom. Then, I asked moved to NYC. I had a love hate relationship with the east coast. Then one day I just decided I couldn’t do it anymore. I needed the beach right down the street and my family close by. So, my husband asked to go home. Somehow, it just happened to be the perfect time and his company had just the spot for him. We then made the 3000 mile trek back across the country. This time by plane, because let’s be real, I would have to be a crazy person to make that drive twice.
Through all of that this blog was my saving grace. It got me through hard times, and gave me purpose outside of being “just a mom.” It may not have been everything I wanted it to be, but it was mine.
NYC Living
Now, I am happy to be sitting just a short distance from the pacific ocean with my family close by. I have two girls, that you won’t see too often. Yes, I know everyone loves seeing kiddos. Personally, I just worry for their safety and choose to keep them off my page as much as possible.
This stylish mom blog was created as a space for moms to find their own style. I like to share a little of everything. I think being a fashionista momma doesn’t just stop with your clothes. It’s a way of life. Fashion, beauty, fitness, home decor, parties and traveling.
Some people may think to themselves I can’t afford that lifestyle. There are so many ways to fit it in to any budget. You just have to shop and travel smart. I coupon shop, I frequent discount clothing stores, I will hunt for the one item I can’t live without. Then I stock it on a website until it’s a price I’m willing to pay. I am not even joking about this. Our bed frame, the rug and fur stools in our living room. These were all pieces that I watched online until they hit such a good sale price I couldn’t pass them up.
When it comes to traveling and date nights, I use Living Social and Groupon. We also own a timeshare and my husband flies A LOT, so we are frequent flyers on almost every airline. So, when I say we are on a budget and you think is she crazy?! How does she travel to all of these places?! We are truly blessed with these opportunities to travel for almost nothing.
SoCal Living
I know this is where belong now. I teach one yoga class a week, I style, I run, I mom and I blog. Finally, this blog has turned into everything I love. After three years of hard work and learning, I’m ready for the next big thing. Life is good.
I would love to hear more about all of you!
In the comments leave me a fun fact about you. I can’t wait to hear what you all have to say. Also, be sure to check back next Friday 8/5 Lindsay from Middle of Somewhere and I will be starting a monthly linkup. Called The Monthly Style Edit. So, check in and share your style with us. We will be styling a LBD if you want to join in and share your look.
Great post! I love it! I coupon too and wait for things to go on super sale as well, or find something similar to it. I got a pair of Acne Studios pants for next to nothing thanks to that kind of shopping.
That’s awesome Stephanie! It’s the only ay to shop. xo ~ Megan
I love getting to know the blogger behind the blog! I cannot believe you made that journey twice! I bet it was amazing getting to see the country that way! I am the same as you when it comes to shopping. I found our comforter set 30% off online, and found a coupon to take an additional 30% off! I saved more than I spent, and I am thrilled with my purchase! I cannot wait to read more from your blog!
Thank you Erin! It was definitely a journey. Yes, that is totally my kind of shopping right there! Save more than you spend, you can’t pass that up. xo ~ Megan
So nice to get to know more about the face behind the brand!
Thank you so much Rachelle! xo ~ Megan
Thanks for sharing your story, how awesome! And I definitely love getting to know the boss babe behind the blog
Super cute outfit, too!
Thank you Bridget! xo ~ Megan
I would travel those miles too. For the beach and family. Well done for following your heart. Your blog is yours and it’s fabulous x
You are so sweet Laurie. Thank you xo ~ Megan