Back to School
Hi Lovelies, it’s that time of year where we all start to plan our back to school attack. I have a couple posts coming up to share a little piece of the princess fashion in our house. Today’s post is with Tenaj Boutique and Skip Hop. The girls are going to amazing schools this year and I am so excited to see what they learn. My goal was to have them both attend a faith based school and that’s how it turned out. It will be a fun year filled with lots of learning for the whole family, a great adventure.
We all prepare for this weird time of saying good-bye and wanting them out of the house. I love my girls, but we have been together since we moved to NYC and I need some time away from their beautiful faces. I will be sending them off in style in the typical fashion blogger way. Matching outfits and matching backpacks. These pink and blue striped dresses from Tenaj Boutique are so stinking cute. Thick and well made, perfect for the cooler temperatures that are coming our way this fall. I paired them with the girls Skip Hop Butterfly backpack. If you haven’t seen the Zoo backpacks that Skip Hop has you really need to check them out. The girls had the bumble bee lunch pail last year and this year we went with the butterfly backpack. There are a ton of cute styles for boys and girls.
Shop my Skip Hop Picks:
Shop my Tenaj Boutique Picks:
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I can’t believe the season is coming to an end. We will finish this summer with our Palm Beach vacation and a one day trip to Disney World. So, get ready for some great guest bloggers in the next few weeks. I hope you all enjoy this last month with your kiddos.
Holy moly…..they are the cutest!!
Thank you Shelly! xo~ Megan
So, SO cute!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thank you Ashley!! They are my little loves. xo~ Megan
Those are the cutest outfits! I have a question about the back packs.. Do they hold standard size notebooks and folders, or are they more for preschool?
The zoo series is more for preschool, but SkipHop does have a big kids line. Check out their website at xo ~ Megan
Ok how adorable are these two. The outfits are great! Need this for my daughter.
Thank you so much Nichol. She really has cute stuff and it’s supporting a momma business.
xo~ Megan
These outfits!!!
Thank you!! xo~ Megan