A black lace top with a fringe clutch and floral boot.

Black Lace

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Hi Lovelies.  Today, I am getting up one of my favorite trends the monochrome all black.  This lace top is just the right amount of lace and is perfect for a date night.  You can pair it with a skirt, or even a pair of jeans and cute flats.  It’s a great girly versatile top.  I paired it with a black pair of jeans and my favorite floral boots.  

A black lace top with a fringe clutch and floral boot.

A black lace top with a fringe clutch and floral boot.

A black lace top with a fringe clutch and floral boot.

A black lace top with a fringe clutch and floral boot.

A black lace top with a fringe clutch and floral boot.

Black Lace Top | Black Denim | Floral Boots | Leather Jacket (similar) | Fringe Clutch

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  Last month was a crazy time with the inauguration and marches.  I’m ready for February and to see what our new president has in store for us.  I know many people are afraid, but this is our future and we need to unite to make this country the place we want our children to grow up in.  We can not change the past, but only prepare and plan for the future.  So, whatever side of the fence you are on work in your community to create the future you want for your children.  Be present, be involved and love a lot.  Show your children what it means to be compassionate and caring.  Show them love for all people and talk to them.  You would be surprised what their young minds are capable of understanding.

  I always try to keep The Fashionista Momma a happy place free of political talk and battles because I truly believe that all people are free.  Free to believe in whatever god or gods we choose.  We all should be treated equal.  I believe that we all should be able to make our choices with our own bodies and partners.  I think we all should know what hard work is.  I believe in help when it is needed, but that we shouldn’t take advantage of others.  I think if we all work together the world can truly be a better place.  All people are welcome here.

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