The perfect spa day look with a floral jumpsuit by popular Los Angeles fashion blogger The Fashionista Momma

Floral Jumpsuit And A Spa Day

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Who’s excited for the weekend and springing forward?  This girl.  I am ready for longer days and more sunshine.  More time to spend with my girls and my husband.  I am so excited.  Today, I am talking about this super comfy and cute floral jumpsuit and our spa day at Glen Ivy.

The hubs and I had a great day date at Glen Ivy two weeks ago.  We spent the day in all of their fabulous spas and enjoyed their yummy cocktails including a mango jalapeno margarita and ate lunch at the Ivy Kitchen restaurant.  This is such a great place to spend quality time with your loved one.  We sat in the mineral baths, tried club mud and then enjoyed a treatment at the grotto.  It was so relaxing and by far one of my favorite day dates yet.

The perfect spa day look with a floral jumpsuit by popular Los Angeles fashion blogger The Fashionista Momma

The perfect spa day look with a floral jumpsuit by popular Los Angeles fashion blogger The Fashionista Momma

The perfect spa day look with a floral jumpsuit by popular Los Angeles fashion blogger The Fashionista Momma

The perfect spa day look with a floral jumpsuit by popular Los Angeles fashion blogger The Fashionista Momma

Shop the floral jumpsuit here:

Jumpsuit | Sandals c/o Marc Fisher | Sunglasses (similar)

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The spa is beautiful with lush landscape in the middle of the desert.  We had a couple drinks, laid around and just talked.  With kids at home it’s hard to have quality time to talk.  Sometimes you just need to be alone in a peaceful place.  Our date nights are always at restaurants or crowded places.  This was a much needed date for us.  I highly recommend scheduling your next date at Glen Ivy.  I even included it in my top Valentine’s Day Date Ideas in Southern California.



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