How To Stay Motivated To Workout
Hi Lovelies. Today, starts my guest post series while I am traveling. This week I have a pro-series where I have brought together bloggers and non-bloggers that are professionals in their fields to share their top tips from fitness to boudoir photography. Check back over the next week to see who’s stopping by. Take it away Kristen.
Can I tell you guys a secret? I have never enjoyed working out. Ever. No matter what it is, or how good I feel, I just don’t enjoy it. My husband on the other hand, goes every single day. He actually looks forward to it. You guys. I wish I had that mentality. But I don’t and at age 28, if I don’t have it by now, I probably never will. But I still workout three or four days a week and push myself through. Here are a few things I do to keep myself working out and keep myself on track to hit my fitness goals.
Sit down and set realistic goals for yourself
Write them down! I like to sit down and write down which days on the calendar I plan on working out. I write down how much water I want to drink each day. I even meal plan and write down my clean eating goals. That way I cannot make excuses as I have already made the plan, I just have to follow through.
Stay positive
I know this is a hard one, and it definitely is hard for me. But don’t think about how tired or weak you may feel. Every workout you do, every single rep that you finish, and every mile that you run, will get you closer to that goal that you have set for yourself. Keep the negativity out of your workouts and you will hit your goals.
Get yourself some new workout gear
Whenever I get some new sneakers or workout clothing, I get so excited to put it on, that it gets me wanting to get out there and get moving! Complete a big goal for yourself? Reward yourself. Get those new Nikes you have been eyeing. Treat yourself! You deserve it! There are some of my new favorites that keep me motivated and feeling great about myself.
Workout with a friend (or partner)
If self-motivation doesn’t work out so well for you, working out with someone can be a great way to stay on track. You can each be responsible for the other person getting up and moving each day and working out at the gym is so much less intimidating when you aren’t alone. You can take group classes, go for a run together, or do some weekly workout tapes from home. Just make sure you hold each other accountable and set weekly goals for each other!
Be patient
There is no such thing as instant results. You might have some setbacks. You might miss a workout here or there, but be patient. Don’t give up. Good things take time, and working on your body is a GOOD THING! Just keep going! I promise you, three months from now, you will thank yourself and your body will thank you too.
Do you ever have issues with keeping on track when working out? What do you do to stay motivated?
Author Kristen Casenove from Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
I’m Kristen. Stay at home mama, pizza enthusiast, and lover of all things Harry Potter. Stop by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, a place for all of those “wtf” moments of motherhood.
Motivation is so important when working out
Mónica Sors
I know right? It’s easy to easy to give up. xo ~ Megan
New cute workout gear TOTALLY motivates me- soooo true.
Le Stylo Rouge
I know right? She was totally right with this post. xo ~ Megan
Great post and motivations
New workout gear always works for me as well as staying positive and not expecting results right away.
She did an awesome job! xo ~ Megan