Road Trip

Road Trip Essentials For The Whole Family

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Hi Lovelies.  We are on the road for our family vacation.  First stop, Las Vegas.  Second stop Park City, Utah.  I feel like we are way late to the game because I know some of you area already back to school which is just crazy to me.  My girls are so excited for Vegas, but I’m not gonna lie, I am a little nervous for this drive.  The one thing I am really good at is packing bags for traveling.  I can get my girls through any flight or any car ride.  So, today I am sharing my road trip essentials for the whole family.

Road Trip Essentials for the whole family. - The Fashionista Momma

  Our must haves include music the whole family can enjoy.  I like to have my computer and magazines.  This allows me to get work done while the hubs is driving.  We try to have lots of fun things to keep the girls busy.  This includes coloring books, toys, iPads and lots of snacks.  I like to start organized, with a snack bin and all of their toys neatly stored in their backseat packs.  They have napkins, tissues and their sunglasses all stored in one easy to reach place.   This way everyone can enjoy the car ride.  We make pit stops to get out and we always try to plan out our trip before we get on the road.  This makes it that much more enjoyable.


Road Trip Essentials for the whole family. - The Fashionista Momma

Road Trip Essentials for the whole family. - The Fashionista Momma

Music  | Book or Magazines | iPad (new movie downloaded) | Headphones Beats by Dre | Snack Packs | Coloring Kit | Seat Back OrganizerFix-A-Flat

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I am going to explain the last one with a little story.  We drove from NoVA to Orlando back when we lived on the east coast.  On our way home, we got a flat tire in the middle of nowhere.  Nothing was open to fix it and we already had our hotel booked in a town 4 hours away.  We tried to change our hotel, but we would have lost our money.  My husband decided to try Fix-A-Flat to see if we could make it.  The leak wasn’t to bad, so we were hoping this would work.  Luckily, the local gas station had Fix-A-Flat.  We made it to our hotel and were able to get the tire fixed the next morning.  I am so thankful for Fix-A-Flat and definitely think it is a must on road trips.

Wish us luck as we make our journey for 12 hours over 2 days in the car.  Keep up with our adventures on Snapchat and Instagram.


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