Comfortable Plaid Pants
Hi Fashionistas. It’s Friday and we are here for the celebration of May. hopefully this will all be ending soon and we can start what the new normal will be. Today, to finish out this week I am styling these comfortable plaid pants.
I wore these pants to a Disney Event before all of this Covid stuff happened. You can see another look here. These pants really are super comfortable and I have one more way to style them for you guys that I will be sharing soon.
On another note I cannot believe we are week out from Mother’s Day. I wanted to share that I have partnered with Gorjana for all of your Mother’s Day gifts. If you shop with this LINK 19% of the sale proceeds will go to The Children’s Heart Foundation.
If you are new around here, we have a couple friends who have children with heart conditions. This cause is very close to our family and I am so excited to partner with Gorjana again to help raise awareness and funds for The Children’s Heart Foundation.

Shop The Comfortable Plaid Pants Here:
Pants | White Tee | Denim Jacket (similar) | Sneakers (similar in tan) | Headband | Purse (similar)