Style Saturday: Pleated Skirt

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Happy Saturday Lovelies.  I hope you are all ready for summer, and for your children to be all up in your business for 3 whole months. Exciting, right?  I have been in summer mode for 2 months, since our move left us with no real option for school placement for the rest of this school year.  But, we have started planning our vacations for the summer, getting our passports and all the fun stuff that goes in to planning.  This was our first time applying for passports and it was a NIGHTMARE.  You hear those crazy stories, but I am pretty sure our story is a chart topper, so I have to share.  Called the local post office for the times to get our passports done. 9:00-1:00 weekdays, perfect.  Walk in the pouring rain 5 blocks to the post office and they forgot to mention that they don’t do them on Mondays.  Awesome!  Get in car drive to the other post office a couple miles away.  Their camera is broken and they don’t make copies of your documents. Even better! Walk 4 blocks in pouring rain and crazy wind. All of our umbrellas got turned inside out, except my daughter’s Hello Kitty one. Go figure.  Find a CVS to get passport photos, but no copy machine.  Remembered that we walked by our bank, stopped in begged them to make copies for us.  They did. (Thanks Wells Fargo!)  Walk back to post office to find out because we have out of state drivers licenses, so we need an additional copy.  Begged the post office employee to make copies for us. She said yes, after checking her surroundings for witnesses, as if she was giving us free money or something.  Thank goodness!  Passports are finally in the mail.  Not too bad right? Now consider the fact that we were dragging around a 4 and 2 year old for all of this because, I mean, they need a damn passport too. Unbelievable. Needless to say, this all ended with what we needed and two umbrellas in the trash. Success.

That night my husband and I decided we needed a much needed date night.  We finally got out in the city together.  I wore my favorite pleated skirt for our rooftop dinner.  You can see this skirt styled here too. pleated skirt



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pleated skirt

Shop a similar look here:

I hope you all have a great kick off to summer break. We will certainly be counting down the days until Cancun!

The Fashionista Momma

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  1. I love your outfit. I really need more tops like the one you pictured. Thanks for hosting the link up! I just found you today for the first time through “a lovely little wardrobe” and started following you on facebook.
    Also, I’m hosting a link up at The Sugar Blog right now and I’d love if you’d join in:


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