Stylish Saturday: Casual Jeans and a Shirt

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School started this week for everyone so I fell a little  behind on posts so, I’m writing this right now two hours after my half marathon.  I have little words today.  I am exhausted.  I will share the whole experience with you next week for Fitness Friday.  All I have to say is getting up at 4am to go run 13.1 miles is pure madness.  This week it’s a casual jeans and a shirt for Stylish Saturday.

Shop a similar look here:
Sadly I could not include these exact boots because I got them at Nordstrom’s Rack.  I couldn’t find them online.  If you are lucky you can find them at Rack for a mere $10.   That’s right $10!!
The Fashionista Momma

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  1. Your booties are so stylish! Love them! I have been training for a half that is coming up in a few weeks and I am just worn out from training for it! I have my last really long run for it tomorrow, then the training tapers down a little before the big day. Whew.

    1. Oh yay!! Good Luck with your race. I am thinking about doing another one now that I know what to expect. You will do great. Thanks for linking up. xo ~ Megan

    1. Hi Lindsey, I tried to find them so, I could share but, I couldn’t. I actually got them for $7 at Nordstrom Rack!! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. xo ~ Megan

  2. I went to the store right away that night with my family ridiculing me. Apparently, no single pair of $10 boots waiting for me. Instead, I caught a terrible chill hanging too long in the store not giving up the hope.

    From Jing at

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