Gift Guide For Kids
Hi Lovelies, and happy pre-Thanksgiving day. If you’re like me, you are getting your last minute grocery shopping in today. We are getting all of our recipes out and putting together our list. It’s crazy for us because we also have our baby’s third birthday this weekend. I just can’t believe she is three. It makes me sad to see her so big, when it feels like just yesterday she was being snuggled up for the holidays. Her birthday present arrived yesterday and I am so excited to see her face when she sees a new playhouse.
Sorry, I digressed. Now on today’s post. The final gift guide. The gift guide for kids. Here are my top picks for toys for every age.
1. Go! Go! Smart Wheels Police Station – The perfect car play set for a little one and it’s reasonably priced.
2. iPhone 6s – For the old children, surprise them with the new top of the line iPhone 6s. Just be sure you get one for yourself too.
3. Pinkalicious Bike – I shared this specific bike because it is the one my girls picked out (it’s the pinkest bike we found, lol). But any bike is the perfect gift for all ages.
4. Star Wars Battle Action Millennium Falcon – This was on a few of the top toy lists. I will be honest, I don’t know anything about Star Wars, but I know it’s crazy popular and kids love this stuff. So, I had to add it to the list, right?
5. Playstation 4 – Yes, this was on the men’s AND the kids list. I’m not saying men are like children, but sometimes they do like the same toys…
6. Barbie 2015 Holiday Edition – Growing up, I loved getting these beautiful dolls. I knew every year it would be under the tree. I still haven’t decided if I will start this tradition with my little girls. What do you think? They are $90 now, and pretty sure they were only $30 when I was a kid. So, I’m not sure if they will make the cut.
7. Power Wheels Jeep – The picture is for a boy, but they also have a Frozen Princess one too. Check your local Toys ‘R’ Us for Black Friday deals because you can find a great price on Power Wheels. We picked up the single seat Range Rovers for $100 this past weekend. Which was 50% off!!!
8. Descendants Dolls – If you haven’t seen this Disney Movie Descendants, I suggest watching it. It was so cute and your kids will love it. This was also on a few on the top shopping lists I read.
What do your children have on their Santa list? Do they have the whole world on there? Or, are they like my kids that have changed their minds ten million times? I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I truly have a lot to be thankful for this year.
I’ll take a new phone on my gift guide, too!
Right? Me too. xo~ Megan
These gifts are SPOT on for kids!! I know my boys would love any of the tech gifts. They’d love one of those Power Wheels too even though they are way too big for it! LOL!
Gina || On the Daily Express
Gina I want the power wheels jeeps for myself. LOL. xo~ Megan
I know I am an old, out-of-touch grandma at times but I haven’t heard of the movie Descendents. My five year old granddaughter is coming for the holidays, is this movie out on DVD? Thank you for these great suggestions.
Hi Leslie, Yes it’s on DVD. It was a made for TV Disney Movie, they sing and dance it’s cute. It does have a little bit of an older kid vibe to it, but we allow our girls to watch some of the older Disney shows, so I’m ok with it.
xo~ Megan