I’m going to be completely honesty today. My fitness routine went right out the window these last few months with school taking over my life. I have gained so much weight and I’m so mad at myself for doing exactly what I tell others not to do. Alas, it still happened to me. So, now I’m sitting here feeling so out of shape and crappy. I need some motivation and decided sharing a post with my favorite cold weather tips.
1. Warm up before you run – Get moving inside your house before you leave. Get your blood moving and your body warm.
2. Take care of your feet – Wear good quality socks. A pair that will wick moisture and are thick to keep your feet warm and toasty.
3. Dress right – The rule is dress as if it’s 20 degrees warmer. Make sure your clothes wick moisture and layer. Gloves and a hat are key. Another added tip is the warming packs. You can find them in the dollar bin at Target. I love those things. Finally a windbreaker. I can handle the cold until the wind picks up. Having a good windbreaker to keep that blast of cold out is huge.
4. Stay hydrated – It’s easy in the cold to leave the water behind but, don’t. You still need to drink and stay hydrated on your runs.
5. Just Run – Winter runs are not the time to go for speed. Just get out and run. Extreme temperatures and weather are not the time to push yourself. Just run and listen to your body.
I don’t run, but these sound like really good tips, especially the ones to wear clothing that takes care of the moisture to prevent catching something unpleasant.
Alex – Funky Jungle
First of all, that photo is gorgeous. It looks like a post-card. WOW!!
Second, I always applaud people who have a fitness routine, whether they go once a week, twice or more and runners too. Plus your tips are awesome!
Great tips! I always struggle with running in the winter, but this is def some motivation for me. xx