5 Tips To Keep Your Resolutions

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Happy Monday Lovelies.  I’m sure we all spent the weekend setting up our goals and getting ready for the new year.  So, I thought what better way to start the year then with 5 tips to keep your resolutions.  It’s so easy to set all these goals and in a few months give up and fall right back into our old routine.  Only to make the same resolutions next year.  I know I am guilty of this.  I set general, sometimes unachievable goals for myself and a few weeks in, I feel discouraged and give up.  Not this year. I am home surrounded by the people I love, there is no better time to make changes for a better life. Am I right?

5 Tips To Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

5 Tips To Keep Your Resolutions

  1. Be specific.  If you want to be healthier, maybe your resolution should be to walk twice a week or workout 3 times a week.  Make your goals something you can track.
  2. Write them down and revisit them.  Check in with yourself.  Ask yourself  these questions What am I doing to keep on track?  What am I doing that’s keeping me from my goal?  How can I change that?
  3. Recruit a friend.  Support is always the best way to stay on track.  Talk about your goals and help each other stay focused.
  4. Take on one to two resolutions at a time.  Don’t overwhelm yourself with changing your whole life in one month.  Look at your goals and group them together or take on one each month.  For example if you look at my goals here you will see I have 10 from different parts of my life.  I will take on my health goals first.  This will allow me to be in a better frame of mind.  When I feel better with myself, it will be easier to take on blogging tasks, and being more patient with my children.
  5. Give yourself a break.  Every once in awhile you will slip up.  DON’T just quit.  I need to listen to my own advice on this one.  If I’m having a bad day I just blow it and eat junk food.  Then I feel bad about the one meal and say screw it and eat bad all day.

What about you, what is your struggle?  What keeps you from achieving your goals?  Do you take on too much?  Are your resolutions general with no real way to track them?  Ask yourself these questions as you go into the next few months and focus on setting yourself up for success.  If you know what your struggles are, you can ask for help from a friend or family member.  I know I am.  I’m recruiting my husband to talk some sense into me, when I lose my cool and decide to eat the entire kitchen.  Someone has talk me out of the pantry.

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