5 Tips To Stay Organized
Life as a busy mom can get crazy,(as you all heard me talking about last week). Trying to take care of yourself, make yourself presentable and of course feed your children… It can all be overwhelming to say the least. Today, thanks to L’eggs, I wanted to talk about my 5 tips to stay organized, while being a fashionable, fit and functional mom.
1. Calendars – Lots of Calendars. I utilize my phone, and a good old paper planner. My phone allows me to send events to my husband so, he can see my schedule and know when I need him to be home on certain days. My planner, also has all of my events, my blog schedule, deadlines etc.
2. White Board – I write down grocery items we need, random reminders, notes and anything else I need to remember.
3. Mail & Bill Organizer – I have a two piece, wall mounted, mail organizer hanging in my kitchen. One is for bills to pay and one is to file. This way I can keep track of all of our mail. All of our regular scheduled bills are on a printed Excel sheet. This way I can check them off when they are paid and write down the amount paid and authorization numbers.
4. Laundry Organization – I know this probably sounds random but, it’s worth it to organize laundry. I can’t even tell you how many clothing items I have ruined over the years. All because I was too busy and was throwing things around while kids are screaming or drawing on the walls and I just needed to be finished. Now, I organize our laundry when it comes off. Darks, lights and delicates into separate bags. That way, if I am in a hurry I can just dump the bag in and go. It makes life as a fashionable mom a whole lot easier.
5. Have Fun – My final tip isn’t necessarily about organization but, in order to ward of the mom craze, you MUST have fun. Take a break, enjoy your life, play with your kids, go for a run, twirl and smile a lot. If it doesn’t go the way you planned, have a glass of wine and try again tomorrow.
You can find this dress styled here and I paired it with a Caridgan and L’eggs Silken Mist sheer tights.
I think a white board is a great idea! I need to get one.
It is a perfect addition to the kitchen. I promise you won’t regret it.
xo~ Megan
Can I start by saying, You have amazing legs!! ha! Seriously…work it girl! And your tips are great…especially sorting the mail and bills. It gets so overwhelming sifting through all of those! I have separate file folders for them…just somehow they never end up in them…rather on my desk in a pile! ugh…gotta organize! Thanks for sharing! xox Christine | Amidst the Chaos
Awe you are so sweet Christine. Thank you! I organize the mail the second I walk in the door because we just don’t have the space but, it used to take over our counter space in our old house. It’s amazing what downsizing can do for your organization skills.
xo ~ Megan
These are great tips. Thanks so much for sharing! Love your blog! -xx
Thank you Shauna!! xo ~ Megan
I’m like you – I can’t quite give up the paper for daily tasks – but I use my phone calendar for a ton too!
As much as I love technology sometimes a pen and paper is just easier. xo ~ Megan
These are such great organization tips! I also just love your flowy dress! You look great!
Thank you! xo ~ Megan
I’d be lost without the calender on my phone, and I dream of having a laundry room with lots of baskets for sorting.
I wish I had a laundry room too. I have my 3 basket organizer crammed in a corner and a tiny apartment sized washer here in NYC. Maybe one day we will both be posting our remodeled laundry rooms.
xo ~ Megan
I’m trying to use more calendars to stay organized, recently i started to use google calendar but i still don’t get it i definitely need more help to stay organized
The Color Palette
The google calendar is a bit confusing. Just keep with it and you will be a pro in no time. xo ~ Megan
I am a terribly disorganized person so I do need to get my game straight. Thanks for the tips!
May x • The Mayden • Bloglovin’
Thank you for stopping by May. xo ~ Megan
thanx for the useful tips.You look lovely in that dress
Thank you Ida! xo ~ Megan
Love your outfit! So cute! The tights really finish your outfit perfectly.
Thank you Shannon! xo ~ Megan